oook, now for sure, this is the last part, and definitely the most interesting 1 i guaranteed.....
after all the swimming, beach football/rugby, everyone must be pretty hungry, so as plan earlier, we gonna have a lil bbq,
trust me when i say lil cause the menu is....
1. 180 pieces of chicken marinated by us all night longs...
2. 50 pieces of sausages
3. 40 pieces of burgers
4.4 damn long french bread
5. a 'lil bit' of snacks.....after all the swimming, beach football/rugby, everyone must be pretty hungry, so as plan earlier, we gonna have a lil bbq,
trust me when i say lil cause the menu is....
1. 180 pieces of chicken marinated by us all night longs...
2. 50 pieces of sausages
3. 40 pieces of burgers
4.4 damn long french bread
6. 3 balang shisha with variety of perisa...
urmmmm, yummmy,haha....
but theres 1 problems, who supposed to make the fire, cause i cant see the coal burning even after 20minutes, luckily salad or salahuddin ramly came to the rescue, he lights all 4 bbq set,huhu, and he damn proud of it....
trust me on this, is not easy too bbq 180 pieces of chicken in 4 bbq set,huhu, with only a few people working for it...
and most of the people were of no help, sum1 didnt do anything, just eat, what do he think, this is a fee for all buffet whr u just have to pay, but wait, he just pay a little and on top of that, he goes home early,
what the fuck, after fulling ur stomach, u just go home, without hanging out with us or sumthing, theres sumthing wrong with that person...
u wanna know who, look at the picture below, the person beside me, toyo or muhd. faiz razali....
ohhh, and of course, shisha-ing....
fuhhh, after all the sjisha and chicken and everything, we were very full but there is still a lot of chicken left, such an embarassment to us,damnnnn.....
but what the heck, we save it for tomorrow morning....
whats the sentences,' kenyang perut senng hati'????
after eating, its time for a group picture,haha camwhoe-ing in simple term,huhu....
haha, with all the eating and camwhoring all evening, its time to take a break, for someone who sleep late at nite, this is what i do, capturing nicest moment of my friends...
oook, thats the last of it, the end, this is gonna be one of the memory that i not gonna forget n i hope we will do this agin...
owhhh, i forgot, i have already posted a buletin in frendster about our next reunion, if u guys have any idea, u can go there oook....
sooo, before i end this, one last picture...
fahmi saiful bahari
afifuddin roslan
sazni salehuddin
anas abdul aziz
faiz razali
shamir baharuddin
rifdi zulfadhli
alfian wahab
faiezi abu bakar
from left sitting:
salahuddin ramly
hafizi abdullah
fauzee marzuki
ahmad zahid
farhan abdul rahman
fazwan zainuddin
farid halimi salim
ariffin saharon
asyraf bajuri....
thankiu guys for such a wonderful memories....
semat ahh cuti tu
seyes shit kite enjoi time tu
memang rugi ah sape tak g
yg balek lepas main event tu memang paling cibai ah
tapi nais gak ko fire
weh san
letak gamba time skola lak!!
dem missin the days ngan korang
haha, tau xpe,huhu....
aku mmg nak buat, tp cd gambar aku ilang, xde gambar langsung dah,huhu, sedegh sial...=.(
xpe2,nnt kiter buat reunion lg,huhu....
lawak gile..
wei bile nak buat reunion lg?
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